Moovit Updates

BART Fare Increase for 2024

BART - Moovit

Hi Mooviters,

BART’s regular fares have increased by 5.5% system-wide, which means that the average fare will climb by 23 cents to $4.43. The change took place on January 1st, 2024.

What does this look like?

A trip from Daly City to Antioch:

The fare is now $9.15 instead of $8.70.

A trip from Richmond to Embarcadero:

The fare is now $5.50 instead of $5.20.

A trip from MacArthur to Berryessa / North San Jose:

The fare is now $6.95 instead of $6.60.

Moovit is updated, use our trip planner to calculate fares for wherever you are headed.

Additionally, the Clipper START means-based discount from 20% to 50%. 

You Ride, We Guide,

The USA Moovit Team




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