
Easily View Your Favorite Stations 🚏

Have you ever wondered if there is a way to check departures from a frequently used station? If yes, then the following tip is for you! 💡

The Stations tab is for seeing all stations and ride-sharing options around you, but if there are stations you wait at a lot – we recommend you save them as Favorites 🧡 Just follow these steps: 

  • Tap one of the stations on the map (where you can see all the arrival times for incoming lines)
  • Tap the star on the top right of the screen


Now all your favorite stations are grouped together on the ‘Favourites’ card (right next to the ‘Nearby Stops’ card). Now you can easily see the next lines and arrival times for these stations. For later schedules, tap ‘View all lines’.

Another way of saving a station as a Favorite is from the Lines tab (After ‘Favoriting’ a line, you’ll be asked to choose one of its stations).

Also, don’t forget to follow the guidelines of the Ministries of Health and Transportation for your own health and safety as well as that of those around you.


Safe travels 🙂

The Moovit Team
