Weekend Singapore

Gear up for “early” weekend excitements!

March 27, 2019

    The weekend may just come early this week, well for changes at least. 

    Weekend (official) might be 2 days away but, be prepared cause the weekend’s schedule may just come early! At least some form of changes is happening today, Thursday the 28th!

    Here are the changes happening today (Maybe time for a new lunch place?)

    Bus Service Diversion for JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2019 on 28th March 2019

    Several bus route plying the route where the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge is taking place will experience a diversion.

    Bus Stops Skipped on 1.30pm – 7.15pm
    Road NameStop CodeBus Stop DescriptionTimeBus Services
    Beach Rd01611Raffles Hotel1.30pm – 7.15pm961
    Connaught Dr02029Opp S’pore Cricket Club75, 100, 107, 130, 131, 167
    Parliament Pl02181Supreme Ct195, 961
    Raffles Ave02061The Esplanade4.45pm – 7.00pm36, 56, 70M, 75, 77, 97, 97e, 106, 111, 133, 162M, 171, 195, 857, 960, 960e


    Car Free Weekend on 30th & 31st March 2019

    CBD area will be car-free on this weekend, so it’s time to reign over the normally busy roads! But wait! No entry for buses too!

    Here are the details of stops that buses will skip during the diversion.

    Saturday, 30 March 2019, 4.00pm to 11.59pm
    Road NameBS CodeBus Stop DescriptionBus Services
    Beach Rd01611Raffles Hotel961
    Connaught Dr02029Opp S’pore Cricket Club75, 100, 130, 131, 167
    Parliament Pl02181Supreme Ct961


    Sunday, 31 March 2019, 5.30am – 12.30pm
    Road NameBS CodeBus Stop DescriptionBus Services
    Beach Rd01611Raffles Hotel961#
    Cecil St03151Opp GB Bldg57, 131, 167, 167e, 186, 400, 402, 970
    03021Prudential Twr57, 131, 167, 167e
    Church St05319OCBC Ctr186, 970
    Connaught Dr02029Opp S’pore Cricket Club75, 100, 130, 131, 167
    Cross St03041Telok Ayer Stn Exit A186, 970
    Esplanade Dr02111Esplanade Bridge10, 57, 75, 100, 130, 131, 167, 167e, 196
    Fullerton Rd03011Fullerton Sq
    New Bridge Rd05039New Bridge Ctr970
    05019Aft Pearl’s Hill Terr
    Parliament Pl02181Supreme Ct195, 961#
    Raffles Quay03059One Raffles Quay186, 970
    Robinson Rd03111Aft Capital Twr10, 75, 97, 100, 106, 130, 133, 196
    03071Opp SO Sofitel S’pore10, 97, 106, 133, 196
    03031Raffles Pl Stn Exit F10, 75, 100, 130, 196
    Shenton Way03129UIC Bldg186, 970
    Upp Cross St05131Opp Hong Lim Cplx


    But don’t just say “aiya need to walk far again ah?” yet, there temporary stops during the road closure!

    Temporary Bus Stops 
    Road NameBus Stop DescriptionBus Services
    Shenton WayTaxi Stand, OUE Downtown I10, 57, 75, 97, 100, 106, 130, 131, 133, 167, 167e, 196, 400, 402
    Shenton WayOutside SGX Ctr 210, 57, 75, 97, 100, 106, 130, 131, 133, 167, 167e, 196, 400, 402
    Raffles QuayTaxi Stand E16, 6 Raffles Quay10, 57, 75, 100, 130, 131, 167, 167e, 196


    Lastly, let’s not forget about the early closure on MRT for the last weekend.

    MRT Early Closure: North East Line (NEL)

    Services between Dhoby Ghaut (NE6) to HarbourFront (NE1) will end around 11 pm on 29 & 30 March and following Fridays & Saturdays until end of the month

    Shuttle bus route 22 between Dhoby Ghaut and HarbourFront will be activated during the planned disruption of MRT service.


    You ride, Moovit guides!


    Read More:

    How to Plan a Trip from A to B

    Check the details of A Line

    Check  Nearby Stations & Arrival Times of Upcoming Lines

    How to Check the Status of A Line
