Public Transportation Updates

Know the fares of your journey before you travel!

Now you can see the cost of your trip in Moovit. When planning your trip – whether it includes one leg or more – see the total cost, including any transfers so you can best decide which trip is right…

Stay Away from Corona When Using Public Transportation

Travel on public transportation? Here are some tips for you to make the journey safer. Wash your hands regularly Wet your hands, scrub everywhere (under those fingernails, too) with soap for at least 20 seconds, then rinse and dry well…

Stay Away from Corona When Using Public Transportation

Delhi Trains and buses have been cleaned and sanitized to ensure a secure environment for passengers. Here are some tips for each individual so together we can make the transportation journey safer. Wash your hands regularly Wet your hands, scrub…

Your bus is arriving now! Real-Time arrival now available in Delhi

“Your bus is now arriving!” Time to get used to this message! Riding the bus had just become more productive for people in New Delhi! From today onward, we are rolling out Next Arrival, or also known as Real-Time feature…


Daily Travel Fares Upto Minimum 5 km distance : Rs.5 (Regular, Non AC fare) & Rs.6 (AC bus fare). 5 km to 10 km distance : Rs.10 & Rs.13. 10 km to 15 km distance : Rs.15 & Rs.19. 15 km and Above…
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