Public Transportation Updates

Licence attribution

Offre de Transport T2C https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/horaires-theoriques-du-reseau-de-transport-public-gtfs-du-syndicat-mixte-des-transports-en-commun-de-lagglomeration-clermontoise-smtc-ac/, updated on 2 July 2023. Offre de Transport Mobivie https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/mobivie-reseau-urbain-vichy-communaute/, updated on 2 July 2023.

Kurban Bayramının İlk 2 Günü Ulaşım Ücretsiz

Değerli Yolcularımız; 28.06.2023 ve 29.06.2023 tarihlerinde tüm vatandaşlarımıza şehir içi toplu taşıma araçları ücretsizdir. (Şehir içi ayakta yolcu taşıyan hatlarda geçerlidir)

License Attribution - RTD

Route and departure data provided by RTD.

License Attribution - EMTA

Route and departure data provided by EMTA.

No public transit available? Moovit will get you to your destination with other means of transportation.

Public Holiday? Strike? Limited Service? No problem! Moovit can help you get to your destination even when public transit is not running! Plan trips using combined transit such as micro-mobility, car sharing, and ride-hailing to make sure you always get…
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