Moovit Updates

Stay Away from Corona When Using Public Transportation

Delhi Trains and buses have been cleaned and sanitized to ensure a secure environment for passengers. Here are some tips for each individual so together we can make the transportation journey safer.

  1. Wash your hands regularly

Wet your hands, scrub everywhere (under those fingernails, too) with soap for at least 20 seconds, then rinse and dry well with a clean towel.

  1. Avoid touching face and mouth

It’s easy to touch a surface that may be contaminated with the virus and then unknowingly touch your face. The virus can transfer from your hands to your nose and mouth and then enter your body. So do not touch your face and mouth before washing your hands.

  1. Cover your cough or sneeze

Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose as you cough and sneeze and then throw it out. Wash your hands immediately after. You can also cough or sneeze into your elbow. This helps prevent respiratory droplets from spreading to those in close contact with you.

  1. Keep your distance in public places

Keep about 2-meter distance. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets, which are easy to breathe in if you are close to each other.

  1. Use the mask correctly

If you are wearing a mask, it’s advisable to pay attention to the HOW. It may not have the same effect or even cause harm if it were not worn correctly. Follow the guidelines from MOH here.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Last but not the least, always keep healthy. Drinking enough water, eating a good amount of vegetables and fruits can keep the body healthy.

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