No trains running at any time:
- between Eastern Market & Minnesota Ave
- between Eastern Market & Benning Road
- between Arlington Cemetery & Rosslyn
No Blue Line service in DC, MD or Rosslyn.
SafeTrack Surge #2 is a line-segment shutdown between Eastern Market & Minnesota Ave/Benning Road from June 18 through July 3, 2016. In addition, there will be no trains operating between Arlington Cemetery and Rosslyn.
On weekdays:
- Orange Line trains will run every 10 minutes* outside the work zone.
- Silver Line trains will run every 10 minutes* outside the work zone.
- Yellow Rush+ runs all day, use Yellow Line for service between VA & DC.
- Blue Line trains will run every 12 minutes* between Franconia & Arlington Cemetery only. There will be no rail or bus service between Arlington Cemetery and Rosslyn during peak hours; travel via Yellow Line and transfer at L’Enfant Plaza instead.
- Shuttle buses will connect Arlington Cemetery and Rosslyn weekday midday (9AM – 4PM) every 24 minutes. See timetable here and stop map here.
- After 10:00 p.m., trains will run every 20 minutes.
- At 10:00 p.m. Blue Line service will be replaced by Yellow Rush + trains between Franconia and DC.
- LIMITED shuttle bus service will be provided as an option for those riders who cannot use alternate modes of travel. Buses will travel in two routes:
- between Eastern Market & Minnesota Ave w/stops at Potomac Ave & Stadium-Armory
- between Eastern Market & Benning Road w/stops at Potomac Ave & Stadium-Armory
Tap your SmarTrip card each time you enter and exit the Metrorail system. Riders traveling through the work zone will be charged for a single, continuous trip.
Trains may be extremely crowded, especially during rush hour due to service reductions. Expect significant delays at the following stations:
Additional regular-route bus service will operate:Shuttle buses may be extremely crowded and riders may encounter lines and delays waiting for shuttle service.
- T18 (Enhanced weekday rush schedule/regular timetable) between New Carrollton and Rhode Island Avenue
- 97 (Enhanced weekday rush schedule/regular timetable) between Capitol Heights and Union Station during rush hour
- X9 (Enhanced midday schedule/regular timetable) will run from Minnesota Avenue to Metro Center all day.
Weekend train frequencies may change to coordinate with other planned track work on the Metrorail system. Weekend service information is posted in the Alerts & Advisories section