Moovit Updates

Weekly Updates (6/6/2024)

What’s Happening This Week (And next)

Do take note of changes this week and head out for your Hari Raya Week like a PRO!

1) Early Closure for Bukit Panjang LRT

To accommodate for longer engineering hours for the Bukit Panjang LRT Overhaul works, the Bukit Panjang LRT service will be ending earlier at around 10.30 pm on Friday 7 June, Saturday 8 June, and Sunday 9 June.


2) Bus Diversion for Temporary Closure of Jurong East Central for Jurong Region Line Works

On 11 June, 12, June & 13 June, from 12.30am to 5.00am, several bus will be diverted its service away from Jurong East Central due to temporary closure of Jurong East Central. Details as follow


For more station-specific timings, do check out in the Moovit app.




You ride, Moovit guides!

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