Moovit Updates

Weekend Updates Aug4 Eng

Dear riders,

We have collected several public transit changes that are worth getting to know about this week.

📢 Tel Aviv

Saturday night, August 26th – Service changes due to demonstrations 

On Saturday night, August 26th, demonstrations will take place at Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. Starting at noon, many streets in the area will be blocked and bus lines will skip stops in the area.

📢 Jerusalem

Saturday night, August 26th – Service changes due to demonstrations in several locations

On Saturday night, August 26th, demonstrations will take place at Aza and HaNasi streets in Jerusalem. Starting at noon, many streets in the area will be blocked and bus lines will skip stop in the area.

📢 Haifa 

Saturday night, August 26th – Service changes due to demonstrations in several locations

On Saturday, August 26th, demonstrations will take place at the Horev Center in Haifa, followed by a march from Merkaz HaCarmel, Sderot Moriah, to Horev Center. Starting at noon, many streets in these areas will be blocked and bus lines will skip stops in the area. 

🛤️ The Suspension Bridge in Jerusalem

Looking for your next adventure? Allow us to introduce you to Jerusalem’s Suspension Bridge –the longest suspension bridge in Israel. Open daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and entry is free of charge.

Located near the Sultan’s Pool, Jaffa Gate, Mamilla, Jerusalem Walls National Park, City of David, and more. Plan your journey with Moovit and effortlessly experience the Suspension Bridge as you explore the wonders of Jerusalem!

Simply enter “הגשר התלוי ירושלים” in your destination search and arrive to the bridge that offers a breathtaking panorama of the city 🔍🌆.

It is recommended to plan your trip in advance 🚥. *There might be unexpected changes.*

Moovit is updated with latest changes that are being published by the bus operators and the Ministry of Transportation.

Safe travels 🙂

The Moovit Team

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