Moovit is updating our transport data in order to provide you with accurate information on Coronavirus-related service changes.
There are no impacts to public transport services at this stage, however, the South Australian Public Transport Authority (SAPTA) will act on advice from authorities to change schedules if required. SAPTA is in regular contact with national transport bodies to ensure a consistent approach is taken
Cleaning schedules have been increased across all public transport modes and disinfectant products recommended under national health guidelines are being used.
In addition to standard cleaning, extra crews are being used across the network with particular focus being given to hard surfaces such as hand rails, validators and push buttons.
Current advice for using transport safely:
- WASH your hands with soap and use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- COVER your coughs and sneezes, and dispose of tissues. If no tissue is available, cough into the crook of your arm.
- AVOID public transport and direct contact with others if you’re feeling unwell.
You can read more on general health information and advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19) here.
Source: Adelaide Metro