Download transit maps to use when you are offline

October 19, 2016
    We know your 4G or wifi doesn’t always work or is intermittent. You can download public transit maps in advance of traveling so you can be sure to have all the info you need.
    Just go to the “More” menu in the top right of the app.

    Moovit 5.0 - More menu - download maps

    Tap on “Line Maps”.

    Moovit 5.0-transit map- offline - options

    Here, you can choose which of the local transit maps you need and tap the download button on the right. You can then save this to your phone if you need to.
    Moovit 5.0-transit map- offline
    At Moovit, we believe riding is better together, so if you have a friend that could benefit from a smoother journey on public transit, share this with them and let them buy you a coffee for the countless minutes you’ll save them throughout the year. Smooth travels!

