Fast Track This Week – 2

May 1, 2016

    FASTRACK is a subway maintenance, cleaning, and repair program that shuts down segments of a subway line for several hours over consecutive weeknights, allowing our employees to perform a number of critical maintenance jobs. The line shutdown approach has proven successful in that, under normal conditions in our 24/7 system, the scope and breadth of this important work would be impossible to accomplish with customers and trains moving through work areas. Thus far, since FASTRACK began in 2012, the results have had a positive impact on service with a reduction in train delays and a decrease in the number of track fires, while realizing cost efficiencies and a lower accident rate for employees.

    FASTRACK tasks typically include:
    Track – remove debris and repair or replace tie blocks and running rails.
    Third Rail Operations – clean and remove debris from under and around the third rail.
    Signals – perform general maintenance on signals and switches and replace dispatcher holding lights.
    Infrastructure – repair or replace handrails, signs, and tunnel lighting. Clean track drains and repair water damage/leaks.
    Electronic Maintenance – optimize performance of closed-circuit television monitors and cameras. Inspect and test    public address system equipment.
    Station Environment – perform high-intensity station cleaning and painting as well as perform elevator and escalator   repair work. Clean vents and drains.

    FASTRACK begins weeknights at 10 PM and ends 5 AM the next morning. This service change will run for one week from May 2 to May 6 nightly, ending Friday morning. Read on for more information.

    No 2 line icon trains between Flatbush Av and Franklin Av
    Bus Icon Free shuttle buses provide alternate service

    3 line icon service ends earlier in Brooklyn-Take the 2 line icon or 4 line icon instead

    2 line icon service operates between 241 St and the Utica Av 4 line icon station, the last stop

    Travel alternatives:

    • For service between Franklin Av and Flatbush Av, take free shuttle buses.
    • Transfer between free shuttle buses and 2 line icon4 line icon service at the Franklin Av station.
    • 2 line icon trains make all 3 line icon station stops between Chambers St and Utica Av.
    • 4 line icon trains make all 3 line icon station stops between Nevins St and New Lots Av. Service to New Lots Av starts early.
    • Transfer between 2 line icon and 4 line icon trains at Utica Av.
    • Consider using Q line icon service to/from nearby stations.


