No trains between Broad St and Delancey St-Essex St. Take and instead
FASTRACK begins weeknights at 9:45 PM and ends 5 AM the next morning. This service change will run nightly from May 1 – 5 and 8 – 12.
How will trains operate?
service operates between Jamaica Center and Delancey St-Essex St, the last stop.
What are the travel alternatives?
- and trains provide connecting service between trains at Delancey St-Essex St and Lower Manhattan.
- Transfer between and trains at Delancey St-Essex St.
- Transfer between and local or trains at Bleecker St/B’way-Lafayette St.
J Station | Nearby station(s) and services |
Broad St | Bowling Green Wall St |
Fulton St | Fulton St |
Chambers St | Brooklyn Bridge |
Canal St | Canal St local or |
Bowery | Delancey St-Essex St Spring St local or |
Use the or to/from Lower Manhattan:
- trains at Fulton St connect with trains at Broadway Junction.
- trains at World Trade Center connect with trains at Sutphin Blvd-Archer Av.
FASTRACK is a subway maintenance, cleaning, and repair program that shuts down segments of a subway line for several hours over consecutive weeknights, allowing our employees to perform a number of critical maintenance jobs. The line shutdown approach has proven successful in that, under normal conditions in our 24/7 system, the scope and breadth of this important work would be impossible to accomplish with customers and trains moving through work areas. Thus far, since FASTRACK began in 2012, the results have had a positive impact on service with a reduction in train delays and a decrease in the number of track fires.
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