Due to a tree trimming project, Shuttle Bus service will replace all Weekday Midday Trains between Colmar and Doylestown stations
Regular Train service will operate on holidays: Thursday, November 26 (Thanksgiving), Friday, December 25 (Christmas), and Friday, January 1, 2016 (New Years Day)
Service Information:
Inbound (towards Center City):
Shuttle Bus service begins with Train #525 (departs Doylestown Station at 9:43 a.m.) and ends with Train #5551 (departs Doylestown Station at 2:43 p.m.)
Shuttle Bus service will depart earlier than regularly scheduled Trains
Customers should transfer from Shuttle Bus to Train at Colmar Station. Trains will depart Colmar Station at the regularly scheduled time
Outbound (towards Doylestown):
Shuttle Bus service begins with Train #7534 (departs Colmar Station at 9:11 a.m.) and ends with Train #558 (departs Colmar Station at 2:28 p.m.)
Customers should transfer from Train to Shuttle Bus at Colmar Station
Shuttle Bus service will depart later than regularly scheduled Trains
Shuttle Bus Boarding Locations:
Doylestown Station: Clinton Ave., by station
Del Val College: Butler & Iron Hill
New Britain: Butler & Tamenend
Chalfont: Next to station
Colmar: At station