Bus & The ‘L’:
- Temporary Bus Stop Closures until further notice on the Southbound 6,15, 28 & 63 at Stony Island/61st, 63 bus terminal on Stony Island between 63 & 64 and Stony Island/64th
- From Friday July 14th at 10 PM until Monday July 17th at 4 AM, Blue Line trains will operate on the same track between Jackson and Racine, resulting in boarding changes
- Berwyn & Lawrence stations are temporarily closed on the Red Line
- On Saturday July 15th from 5 AM to 6 PM Green Line trains operate in two sections: From Harlem/Lk to Loop and 35th to Ash/63rd-Cottage Grove. No Green Line service – Loop to 35th. Board Southbound bus shuttles at HWL station
- On Saturday July 15th from 5 AM to 6 PM Orange Line trains will operate on the same track between Roosevelt and Halsted, resulting in boarding changes and minor delays
For more info. see the agency website
Pace Bus
- Route 303 will operate on the following detour until construction is complete due to construction activity on the 19th Avenue/Broadway Avenue bridge over Silver Creek in the Village of Melrose Park – please plan ahead accordingly!
- Routes 379, 381 & 385 will operate on a detour due to the Palos Hills Friendship Festival, 88th Ave. will be closed between 107th St. and 111th St until 11 PM on July 16th
- Route 221 will operate on a detour beginning on Monday July 17th due to construction activity on Wolf Road between Euclid Avenue and Camp McDonald Road in Prospect Heights and Mount Prospect – please plan accordingly!
For more info. see the agency website
- BNSF – Berwyn Commuters, Stanley Ave. will be under construction for 14 weeks and allow for extra time
- Temporary Changes in Schedules for the Union Pacific Northwest Line through Tuesday, July 18, due to an ongoing tie replacement project between Barrington and Crystal Lake – please plan accordingly!
For more info. see the agency website