Chicago, IL:
Public Transportation Updates

CTA – Added Service & Updated Schedules Start Today

Hi Mooviters, CTA is adding additional service to the following bus routes! These routes are receiving additional service as a result of more bus operators being added to CTA’s workforce. This is part of CTA’s commitment to providing pre-pandemic levels…

Chicago – Thanksgiving & Holiday Transit Guide

Dear Mooviters,  It’s that time of year again for turkey, pumpkin pie, and family gatherings! And of course, the Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade! Stay head of the curve with these tips and transit updates for Thanksgiving travels and for the…

CTA Added Service Across City

CTA Bus & The ‘L’: The following routes will see weekday increase in service: #21 Cermak #22 Clark #24 Wentworth #53A South Pulaski #62 Archer #77 Belmont #87 87th #94 California #146 Inner Lake Shore/Michigan Express #152 Addison (This route…

DNC Event Detours, Closures & Alerts Now!

CTA Bus & The ‘L’: Routes 1, 4, 4X & 192 detoured In both directions on Michigan between 18th and 26th NB & SB Route 3 In both directions on Michigan between 18th and Cermak; on Cermak between Michigan and King…

Greater Chicago Labor Day Schedules HERE!

CTA CTA will operate on a ‘Sunday/Holiday Schedule’ on Labor Day For further info. please see the agency website   PACE The following routes will operate on a ‘Sunday Schedule’: Pulse Dempster Line, Pulse Milwaukee Line, 208, 215, 223, 250,…
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