
Light Link – 1 Line Service Reduced Aug. 12-20

August 9, 2023

    Hi Mooviters,

    From August 12-20, Sound Transit will be replacing track at Royal Brougham Way. This will prevent flooding and allow for faster and safer travel.

    During this time Light Link 1 line service will be reduced. Royal Brougham Way will be closed to private vehicles from August 9-20 but the crossing will remain open for pedestrians and bicyclists.  The work will occur in three distinct phases. keep reading for details.

    Phase One: Aug. 12-13

    • 1 Line trains will run every 15 minutes between Northgate–Capitol Hill and between SODO–Angle Lake.
    • Westlake, University Street, Pioneer Square, International District/Chinatown, and Stadium stations will be closed.
    • Free Link shuttle buses will serve all stations between Capitol Hill and SODO every 10 minutes.

    Phase Two: Aug. 14-16

    • Trains will share one track at Westlake, University Street, International District/Chinatown, and Stadium stations.
    • All trains from Northgate and Angle Lake will terminate at Pioneer Square Station. Passengers traveling through Pioneer Square will transfer to the opposite platform and should expect a wait of 11-12 minutes to make the connection.
     The graphic shows closed tracks between Stadium and Capitol Hill stations, limited access at Stadium station, and the forced transfer at Pioneer Square station.
    An animation showing the forced transfer at Pioneer Square station. Shows people arriving from southbound train using stairs to cross to the northbound platform. After, the graphic shows people exiting northbound train using stairs to cross to the southbound platform.

    Phase Three: Aug. 17-20

    • Trains will share one track at Westlake, University Street, International District/Chinatown, and Stadium stations. All trains from Northgate and Angle Lake will terminate at Pioneer Square. All passengers traveling through Pioneer Square will transfer to the opposite platform and should expect a wait of 11-12 minutes to make the connection.
     The graphic shows closed tracks between Stadium and Capitol Hill stations, limited access at Stadium station, and the forced transfer at Pioneer Square station.
    An animation showing the forced transfer at Pioneer Square station. Shows people arriving from northbound train using stairs to cross to the southbound platform. After, the graphic shows people exiting southbound train using stairs to cross to the northbound platform.
    You Ride, We Guide,
    The USA Moovit Team
