Changes to greenwave fares

March 29, 2017

    There will be some changes to greenwave fares from Monday 3 April. Some of these are due to changes at Mereoak park & ride where a new barrier will be installed at the entrance/exit.

    changes for Mereoak park & ride

    As mentioned above, there will be a new barrier installed at Mereoak park & ride which will require a QR code ticket to be scanned for exit. For more information on the new barrier at the site, click here.
    on the bus fares from Mereoak

     single day return 2 together* group+ greensaver 12
     adult £2.00 £4.00 £5.50 £5.00 £20.00
     boost (18 & under) £1.40 £2.00† n/a n/a n/a

    * 2 together only available Monday to Friday before 9.30am
    + group ticket valid for up to 5 people (max 3 adults), available to buy after 9.30am Monday to Friday and all day weekends. Not valid on football or rugby.
    † Boost customers parking at Mereoak and using the bus need to buy a 50p parking ticket from the driver

    We are also be introducing a new set of ‘Mereoak parksaver’ smartcard products which include the daily 50p parking charges – these products are single journeys bought in bulk with a discount. So a parksaver 10 gives you 10 single journeys. These are:
    Mereoak parksaver 10 – £16.80
    Parksaver 20 – £33.30
    Mereoak parksaver 40 – £65.50
    These products will be available shortly. Please keep checking back for details.
    Reading Buses tickets

    You can also still purchase our standard simplyReading and simplyNetwork tickets on these buses with parking included:
    Adult simplyReading day ticket – £4.50
    simplyReading group ticket (peak – before 6pm Mon-Fri) – £9.50
    simplyReading group ticket (off-peak after 6pm Mon-Fri, all day weekends, school and public holidays.) – £6.50
    daily parking charge

    When parking at Mereoak, you must pay for parking either on the bus if using the park & ride service or at the machine if not using the bus. The daily charges are 50p for bus customers and £1 for others. Most bus products include the parking charge already.
    You must ensure that you have a valid ticket with a QR code on to scan when exiting the site otherwise the barrier will not let you out!
    other greenwave fares

    There will also be changes to other fares on greenwave outside of Mereoak park & ride.
    on the bus fares

     single day return 2 together* group+ greensaver 12
     adult £2.00 £3.50 £5.00 £4.50 £20.00
     boost (18 & under) £1.40 £2.00 n/a n/a n/a

    single day return 2 together*
    * 2 together only available Monday to Friday before 9.30am
    + group ticket valid for up to 5 people (max 3 adults), available to buy after 9.30am Monday to Friday and all day weekends. Not valid on football or rugby.
    smartcard fares (buy in advance)

    There will be no change to the greensaver and greenpass smartcard products – however, if used at Mereoak park & ride, you will need to purchase a 50p daily parking ticket from the driver.

