Dallas/Fort Worth, TX:
Public Transportation Updates

Dallas COVID-19 Transit Updates

Updates as of May 10th, 2021 DART:  DART Alert Updates can be found HERE  All light rail service will operate at a 20-minute frequency throughout the day. Specific Rider Alerts can be found through the links below: May Service Change Makes…

MTA Working towards a better tomorrow

MTA Updates: ♿ Accessibility The MTA has set a 5 year goal to build a fully accessible transit system, making sure there are no more than 2 stops between accessible stations. Yesterday marked the completion of four newly accessible stations!…

Dallas COVID-19 Transit Updates

Updates as of July 20th, 2020 DART:  All light rail service will operate at a 20-minute frequency throughout the day. All bus routes will have service on weekdays, except routes 155 and 887-Rowlett FLEX. Route 155 customers have access to route…

Dallas COVID-19 Transit Updates

Updates as of July 13th, 2020 DART:  All light rail service will operate at a 20-minute frequency throughout the day. All bus routes will have service on weekdays, except routes 155 and 887-Rowlett FLEX. Route 155 customers have access to route…

Dallas COVID-19 Transit Updates

Updates as of June 29th, 2020 DART:  All light rail service will operate at a 20-minute frequency throughout the day. All bus routes will have service on weekdays, except routes 155 and 887-Rowlett FLEX. Route 155 customers have access to route…
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