Public Transportation Updates

This week's transportation updates

We’ve collected major transportation updates from around the country to share with you to guarantee a peaceful journey to your destination.聽馃殞 Central region: Next Friday (22.2.19) the Tel Aviv Marathon will take place and changes in public transportation lines are…

Construction at the entrance to Jerusalem

  From Sunday Feb 10 at 10:00 until Friday Feb 15 at 6:00, there will be construction on the roads Weizman and Yirmiyahu at the entrance to Jerusalem. Traffic lights will not be working and traffic will be directed by…

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讛讞诇 诪讬讜诐 讗’ 10.2 讘砖注讛 10:00 讘讘讜拽专聽讜注讚 诇讬讜诐 讜’ 15.2 讘砖注讛 6:00 讘讘讜拽专聽讬转拽讬讬诪讜 注讘讜讚讜转 转砖转讬转 讘专讞讜讘讜转 讜讬讬爪诪谉 讜讬专诪讬讛讜 讘讻谞讬住讛 诇讬专讜砖诇讬诐. 驻注讬诇讜转 讛专诪讝讜专讬诐 转讜驻住拽 讜讛转谞讜注讛 转讻讜讜谉 注诇 讬讚讬 砖讜讟专讬诐 讜诪讻讜讜讬谞讬 转谞讜注讛.聽爪驻讜讬讬诐 注讜诪住讬 转谞讜注讛 讘讗讝讜专 讗讜诇诐 讗讬谉 砖讬谞讜讬讬诐 讘转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转. 注讘讜讚讜转 转砖转讬转…

注讚讻讜谞讬 转讞讘讜专讛 讘专讞讘讬 讛讗专抓 诇转拽讜驻讛 讛拽专讜讘讛

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This week's transportation updates

Moovit is here for you so you can always set out on your journey with peace of mind.聽馃檪 Check out a selection of major transportation updates from around the country. Central region: – Starting from today, February 7, and until…
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