Public Transportation Updates

Muni Metro Alternatives 🚌

Muni Metro is gradually returning to service, with the J active since December 19 and the T returning on January 23. Until all lines are back, here are alternatives to the currently suspended lines: For travel along Market Street, take the F…

Los Angeles Area New Year Service Changes

⚠️ Expect changes in service levels for public transportation on New Year’s Eve (12/31) and New Year’s Day (1/1). 📲 Whether during holidays or just another day of the year, Moovit is always with you to ensure a smooth journey: All the…

San Joaquin RTD Data

Transport data by courtesy of San Joaquin RTD under RTD’S Terms of Use. Changes, editing, new designs or other amendments in data sources from the San Joaquin RTD (such as location/names of stops, lines, routes, etc) may have been made by…

Bay Area New Year Service Updates

⚠️ Expect changes in service levels for public transportation on New Year’s Eve (12/31) and New Year’s Day (1/1). 📲 Whether during holidays or just another day of the year, Moovit is always with you to ensure a smooth journey: All the…

新年快樂 🎊

又到了許下新年願望的時候! 在2021,我們希望陪你每一步,在世界的每一個角落,有公共交通的地方就有Moovit 🌏 可別忘了你也要在更多的時候搭乘公共交通哦 😉 我們一起讓2021更綠色 🍀 走到哪裡,都有Moovit相陪   祝你新年快樂 🥂  可不能錯過新年的鐘聲  – 查看應用程式確保在2021到來之前到達目的地喲。 感謝你 · 讓2020如此精彩💖
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