Public Transportation Updates

Safe travel with Moovit

Moovit is updating our transport data in order to provide you with accurate information on Coronavirus-related service changes. You should only travel on public transport where necessary and for essential journeys. Before you travel, consider if your journey is necessary and…

COVID-19 Service Information Update

Details of all known alterations will be posted on this page. Last updated: 1st April 2020 Edinburgh Trams From Sunday 22 March Edinburgh Trams has introduced a reduced service between Edinburgh Airport and York Place. The first tram and last…

COVID-19 Service Information Update

Moovit is updating our transport data in order to provide you with accurate information on Coronavirus-related service changes.   Current advice for using transport safely: Consider changing the time when you need to use public transport. Travelling outside of peak…

Scotland Travel Update

Take note of the following travel disruptions across Scotland: Glassford Street in Glasgow City Centre closed overnight Multiple services diverted, 27/11/19 22:00 – 28/11/19 06:00 Services 1,1A,1B,1C,1D,X4 towards Osborne Street: Normal route Argyle Street at Jamaica Street, right Jamaica Street,…

Scotland Travel Update

Take note of the following travel disruptions across Scotland: Royston Road in Glasgow closed 0930hrs to 1530hrs each day First Glasgow services 19/19A and McGills service 329 diverted. 12/11/2019 09:30 – 18/11/2019 15:30 Services 19 towards Easterhouse: Normal route Castle…
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