Moovit is updating our transport data in order to provide you with accurate information on Coronavirus-related service changes.
You should only travel on public transport where necessary and for essential journeys. Before you travel, consider if your journey is necessary and if you can, stay local. This will help keep the transport network running and allow people who need to make essential journeys to travel.
Guidance for walking, cycling, and travelling in vehicles or on public transport during the coronavirus outbreak
If using public transport, thinking carefully about the times, routes and ways you travel will mean we will all have more space to stay safe.
- Try to walk, cycle, or drive, all options that you can find on Moovit.
- Before and during your journey, check for the latest travel advice on your route by using Moovit to plan your journey and looking for service alerts on Moovit.
- If you can, travel at off-peak times. Use Moovit to plan ahead.
- Taking a less busy route and reducing the number of changes (for example between bus and train) will help you keep your distance from others. You can do this by filtering for the Least transfers when planning a journey on Moovit. Public Health England recommends keeping a 2 metre distance from other people, where possible. Where this is not possible you should keep the time you spend nears others as short as possible and avoid physical contact.
- During your journey:
- If you can, wear a face covering if you need to use public transport.
- Be aware of the surfaces you touch. Be careful not to touch your face. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
- Wait for passengers to get off first before you board.
- Ensure you maintain social distancing, where possible, including at busy entrances, exits, under canopies, bus stops, platforms or outside of stations
- Be prepared to queue or take a different entrance or exit at stations
- Wait for the next service if you cannot safely keep your distance on board a train, bus or coach
- Respect other people’s space while travelling
- Avoid consuming food and drink on public transport, where possible.
You can find more information here.