Relocalisation des arrêts au Terminus Fairview du 14 au 30 décembre 2018, de 13 h à 21 h
Les arrêts indiqués sur le plan suivant vont être relocalisés, de 13 h à 21 h, entre le 14 et le 30 décembre. Cette mesure permet aux bus d’éviter la congestion routière engendrée par l’achalandage accru au centre commercial durant la période de fêtes.
(English below)
Bus stops relocated at Terminus Fairview starting December 14, and continuing until December 30, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The stops indicated on the following map will be relocated from 1 pm to 9 pm, between December 14 and 30. This measure allows buses to avoid congestion caused by increased traffic at the mall during the holiday season.
How can Moovit help you?
- Always check service alerts found in the Alerts tab, to make sure you have the latest information
- Traveling in a wheelchair or with a stroller? Use Moovit’s accessible trip planner!
- For the latest information check @STMinfo (fr) @STMinfo (en)
- Make sure to check for changes to schedules before getting on-board
Learn more about checking Alerts in Moovit in Moovit’s Help Center or on Moovit’s Blog.
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