Hi Mooviters,
The National Weather Service has issued a storm warning & flood watch for the Tri-State area. The storm is expected to arrive this afternoon with heavy rain and high winds lasting till Wednesday.
Transit agencies are preparing for the storm. MTA Subway, LIRR, and MNR have crew ready to pump flooding water and clear debris. For all agencies, please expect delays & detours.
The NYC Emergency Management has issued a travel advisory due to weather conditions and recommends the following actions:
- Allow for extra travel time.
- New Yorkers are urged to use public transportation whenever possible.
- Expect delays with little to no notice.
Additional Weather Recommendations:
- Stay informed. Before and during an emergency, the city will send emergency alerts and updates to New Yorkers through various channels, including Notify NYC. Sign up for emergency notifications online or call 311. You can also follow @NotifyNYC on Twitter.
- If you must drive, drive slowly. Use major streets or highways for travel whenever possible. Turn around, don’t drown. Do not drive into flooded streets or enter flooded subway stations.
- If it is safe to do so, clear debris from catch basins to prevent street flooding. Be sure to wear gloves & watch out for traffic. You can also report a clogged catch basin by calling 311.
- Check on friends, relatives, and neighbors, especially older adults and people with disabilities, access and functional needs, or health conditions. Help them to prepare if needed.
- If you live in a basement apartment, or in a low-lying, flood-prone, or poor drainage area, be prepared to move to higher ground or leave your apartment should conditions worsen.
- New Yorkers should report tree conditions including downed trees and limbs to 311; in cases of true emergency, call 911.
- To report power outages, downed power lines or damaged electrical equipment, call your power provider immediately to report the outage. Con Edison’s 24-hour hotline is 800-75-CONED (752-6633) (TTY: 800-642-2308). You can also report an outage online on Con Edison’s website. National Grid’s 24-hour hotline is 718-643-4050 (TTY: 718-237-2857). PSEG Long Island’s 24-hour hotline is 800-490-0025 (TTY: 631-755-6660)
Travel Safely,
The USA Moovit Team