If you travel the same route to and from work every day, it’s easy to get into a routine, and at times, get caught out by unusual traffic, subway strikes, and street closures. Today’s best route may be different than tomorrow’s — that’s why we created Best Way Today.
Best Way Today allows you to set two favorite locations, like home & work, as well as your typical departure times from each location. This feature automatically finds the fastest route available, and sends you an alert prior to your usual departure time, so you know when to start your trip without even having to open the app. And with a single tap, you’ll get Live Directions to guide you every step of the way.
Set up your preferences for Best Way Today under the tab on the “More” section.
The Best Way Today screen will show up, allowing you to enter your two favorite destinations and usual departure times. Check the box to receive notifications, without even opening the app.
We know that for many users, a major source of frustration with public transit is line delays. And while we can’t prevent a bus or train from being delayed, we can help you avoid the disruption with Best Way Today. Share with your friends and have a smooth ride!