
Will you help us make travel at night safer & easier in Pittsburgh?

November 13, 2018

    Dear Loyal Moovit User,

    Thank you for choosing Moovit & helping to improve mobility for your whole community! We need your help. We are calling on Moovit users to give your feedback on our team’s pilot proposal for Ford’s Pittsburgh City Of Tomorrow Challenge called Safe Shift. Safe Shift will help people who work overnight shifts get to and from work safely & conveniently even on the darkest, stormiest Pittsburgh night.


    ….We promise it will only take a minute…

    Our Call to Action

    Please check out the Safe Shift proposal and if you think it’s a good idea, comment at the bottom, “applaud” it, and share it via your social media channels to show the judges this is a winning concept! To skip ahead to the Safe Shift proposal, click here.


    Look for these buttons at the bottom of the proposal!


    The City of Tomorrow Challenge

    Moovit is working side-by-side with local people and organizations to find a solution to a mobility challenge faced by many in the Pittsburgh community as part of Ford’s City of Tomorrow Challenge. The winning pilot will receive up to $100,000 to fund their pilot and the chance to improve the lives of the people it would impact.

    The Problem

    In Pittsburgh, overnight transportation is limited, making it difficult for people to get around at night. Employees who work off-shift positions cannot rely on the same level of transit services offered during peak commute times, often ending up in unsafe situations walking on deserted streets late at night and waiting at stops in inclement weather. The city and employers both recognize the negative impacts resulting from commute issues.

    The Solution

    Our pilot, Safe Shift, will help people who work overnight shifts get to and from work safely & conveniently to the benefit of employee & employer. Many employers and private organizations have shuttle buses that are underutilized or completely idle at night- we would like to change that. Safe Shift seeks to mobilize unused shuttles and deploy them along strategically planned routes based on the needs of the employee & employer. This nighttime system would be coupled with a fully branded, customized app by Moovit!

    App features include:

    • Accurate and reliable real-time location tracking so employees can plan when to be at pick-up locations
    • Seamless trip guidance and alerts across all transit types such as bus lines, “T” light-rail, and Healthy Ride
    • On-demand scheduling & pickup for select routes or specific situations
    • Accessibility features supporting the diverse needs of riders

    You can find the published proposal here.

    The Team

    The Safe Shift Team was born out of the Mobiliti event and workshop that took place at the beginning of October in Pittsburgh. Identifying a need echoed by participating members of the community, we rallied together to find a solution.

    Our local partners-in-innovation are:

    Please check out Safe Shift & share it with your friends! If you have any difficulties accessing the page, please write to us at


