99 Closure Underway

May 2, 2016

    WSDOT closed the Alaskan Way Viaduct for approximately two weeks while Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, tunnels beneath the structure. SR 99 is closed from the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel to South Spokane Street. Tunneling is not anticipated to require any closure of Alaskan Way (surface street beneath the viaduct).

    Adjust Your Routes, Stay Informed and Help Keep Traffic Moving

    Plan ahead: Expect rush hour congestion to start earlier and end later.
    Be flexible: If possible, take an alternate route or travel at non-peak times.
    Stay informed: Visit our resources page for links to apps, cameras, detour maps and more information.
    Be patient: WSDOT is coordinating with partner agencies to keep people moving during the closure.




