🚌45, 59, 60, 73
In the direction of the village of Marchaevo – Tolumska Mahala on Nikola Petkov Blvd. in the section from Montevideo St. to Ljubljana St., the buses will run in the local lane of the boulevard. The buses will stop at all existing bus stops in the changed section of the route.
Stops are opened for the line:
– with code 6035 “Bus station Knyazhevo” – between the entrance and the exit of the tram ear “Knyazhevo” in the direction of the center (according to the accepted PIC);
– with code 6036 “Knyazhevo Bus Station” – after the pedestrian path opposite the entrance to the tram ear “Knyazhevo” in the direction of the village of Marchaevo – Tolumska neighborhood (according to the accepted PIC).
To provide a connection to the bus line № 107, stops are moved:
– with code 1309 “Square Among the Village” for bus line № 107 in the direction of Boyanska Church it is moved forward on “Evlia Chelebi” Street (according to the accepted PIC). The stop becomes common for bus lines № 59 and 107;
– with code 1310 “Sred Selo Square” for bus line № 107 in the direction of “Karpuzitsa” district is moved back to “Evlia Chelebi” Street (according to the accepted PIC). The stop becomes common for bus lines № 59 and 107.
Bus line № 60: the route is changed as follows (in the direction of Central Station): from the final station in zh.k. Ovcha Kupel 2 on the route to the intersection of President Lincoln Blvd. Montevideo, right on Montevideo Street (connection to Mizia metro station), left on Boryana Street, Ljubljana Street, left on Ovcha Kupel Blvd. (connection to Ovcha Kupel Metro Station) ) and on the route to Central Station in both directions. The buses will stop at all existing bus stops in the changed section of the route.
Stops are opened for the line:
– with code 6037 “Ovcha Kupel Metro Station” – on “Ovcha Kupel” Blvd. before the traffic light at the intersection with “President Lincoln” Blvd. (according to the accepted PIC) in the direction of Central Station;
– with code 6038 “Ovcha Kupel Metro Station” – on “Ovcha Kupel” Blvd. after the traffic light at the intersection with “President Lincoln” Blvd., on the platform of the tram stop (according to the accepted PIC).
– in the direction of zh.k. Gotse Delchev: from the final station in zh.k. Ovcha Kupel 2 on the route to the intersection of Montevideo Street / Boryana, straight on Montevideo Street, left on Nikola Petkov Blvd., left on Ljubljana Street, right on Ovcha Kupel Blvd. to the intersection with Tsar Boris III Blvd., straight on Todor Kableshkov Str. next to Bulgaria Blvd., left along Bulgaria Blvd. and right along Gotse Delchev Blvd. along the route to Gotse Delchev;
– in the direction of zh.k. Ovcha kupel 2: from zh.k. Gotse Delchev on the route to the intersection of Gotse Delchev Blvd. Bulgaria, left on Bulgaria Blvd., right on Todor Kableshkov St., Ovcha Kupel Blvd., left on Ljubljana St., right on Nikola Petkov Blvd. and right on Nikola Petkov Blvd. Montevideo ”along the route.
The buses will stop at all existing bus stops in the changed section of the route, except for a stop with code 6275 “Bul. Bulgaria ”for bus line 4 204 on Todor Kableshkov Street before Bulgaria Blvd.
The buses will stop at the tram stop with code 0881 “Sq. Ovcha Kupel ”for tram lines № 4 and 11 on Ovcha Kupel Blvd. before Tsar Boris III Blvd.
A new stop with code 6088 “Str. Todor Kableshkov ”on Todor Kableshkov Street after the intersection with Bratya Buxton Blvd.
According to the adopted PIC in the area of the new parking lot at the metro station “Mizia” on Montevideo Street, a stop with code 0812 “Metro Station Mizia” is signaled 30.00 meters after the street “Acad. Konstantin Pashov ”in the direction of Boryana Street.
Stops are renamed:
- with code 0812 on Montevideo Street in the direction of Boryana Street for bus lines 59 and 73 – from Sq. Buzema ”becomes“ Mizia Metro Station ”;
- with code 0812 on Montevideo Street in the direction of zh.k. Ovcha Kupel 2 for bus line № 73;
- with code 0361 – from “Sq. Ovcha Kupel ”became“ Mizia Metro Station ”;
- with codes 6089 – from “Sq. Ovcha Kupel ”became“ Mizia Metro Station ”;
- two-way with codes 0683 and 0685 on Boycho Boychev Street for bus line 111 – from Zh.k. Ovcha Kupel 2 ”became“ Gorna Banya Metro Station ”;
- two-way with codes 2067 and 2068 on Ovcha Kupel Blvd. for tram lines № 4 and 11 – from Blvd. President Lincoln became Ovcha Kupel Metro Station;
- two-way with codes 0351 and 0352 on President Lincoln Blvd. for bus line № 11 – from Blvd. Ovcha Kupel “becomes” Ovcha Kupel Metro Station “.
източник: Sofia Urban Mobility Center