
Strike Action Update

July 23, 2024

    First Bus South West: Strike action confirmed in Cornwall & Somerset

    The RMT Union have today confirmed they intend to take industrial action in Cornwall and Somerset next Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 July. Buses of Somerset, Cornwall by Kernow and Adventures by Bus services will be impacted.

    Service information for Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 July


    • All current school services (where schools are in) will be covered as a priority.
    • We plan for any available staff to be deployed on the 21,22, 25, 28, 54, 58/58A, CR4 and Exmoor Coaster.
    • Unfortunately, no services are guaranteed, and the above is based on expected driver availability.



    • We expect Truro Park & Ride (PR1 / PR1A) to be the only registered bus services to operate a full timetable as normal. However, no services are guaranteed, and customers should check for the latest updates before travel as services may be subject to last minute change or cancellation.
    • All current school services (where schools are in) should still operate, including the AM/PM service on the U4. However, no services are guaranteed, and parents and carers should check for the latest updates before travel as school services may be subject to last minute change or cancellation.
    • We plan for any available staff to be deployed on a modified U1/U1A service between Falmouth and Newquay, focusing on the early morning and later services for hospital staff. However, no services are guaranteed, and customers should check for the latest updates before travel as services may be subject to last minute change or cancellation.
    • A Sunday service will operate on the 24, 29 and Atlantic Coaster routes.
    • All other services may operate pending on the driver availability, prioritising the T1/2 service if possible

    Source: First Bus South West
