Scheduled Trackwork

Moore Park busway

February 23, 2017

    The Moore Park busway has reopened on Wednesday 22 February. Route 338, 373, 374, 376 and 377 bus services travelling towards the city will resume using this service during the morning peak between 7am to 9am.

    Four stops will reopen:

    • Alison Rd (stop 203348) after Moore Park
    • Moore Park at Robertson Rd (stop 202138)
    • Lang Rd at Moore Park (stop 202144)
    • Moore Park opp The Entertainment Quarter (stop 202139)

    Express services that previously travelled via the busway will return in the morning peak and will also run southbound in the afternoon peak between 4pm and 7pm.

    Special event buses will continue to run between Moore Park Road and Tramway Oval for events at Moore Park.

    The Moore Park busway has been closed since November 2016 for light rail construction in the area.

