Line 1: Sheppard West to St George closure August 12-13
There will be no subway service between Sheppard West and St George stations due to signal upgrades. All trains on Line 1 will turn back southbound at St George Station.
- Due to traffic impacts from numerous on-street construction activities, shuttle buses will operate between Sheppard West and Lawrence West stations during this closure.
- Users are encouraged to use existing east-west bus/streetcar routes to the Yonge portion of Line 1 or north-south bus routes to Line 2.
- Additional service is being added to these routes during the subway closure.
- Users travelling on Line 2 who wish to travel northbound should transfer at Yonge-Bloor Station.
- There is no shuttle bus service from St George Station.
- Wheel-Trans buses will operate between Sheppard West and St George stations upon request. Customers Users can speak with any TTC staff member to request the service.
To provide better bus service, parking will be restricted on Bathurst Street between Bloor Street and Barton Avenue and extra subways will be added for those attending the numerous events around Toronto on the weekend.