Toronto street cars in route on sunny day and clear blue skies

TTC Weekly Changes

April 26, 2016

    Here is our weekly update to help you get around. Most services are running as normal but please check if any of the following changes affect you.

    505 Dundas

    Streetcar restrictions during Toronto Water work
    Route diverting to High Park Loop. March 21 to May 2, 2016
    5 am, March 21 to 5 am, May 2, 2016
    Streetcars will be restricted from entering the south track at Dundas West Station.

    505 Dundas streetcars will divert to High Park Loop.
    Customers must transfer to 504 King streetcars at Howard Park Avenue and Roncesvalles Avenue, when travelling to and from Dundas West Station and the 505 Dundas streetcar.

    505 Dundas









    Line 2 Bloor-Danforth

    Subway service will end early between Pape and St George stations on May 1 (exact time to be determined) due to bridge work on the Prince Edward Viaduct.

    During this closure, shuttle buses will stop at all stations.

    All trains on the Bloor-Danforth line will turn back westbound at St George Station and eastbound at Pape Station.

    Wheel-Trans buses will operate between Pape and St George stations upon request. Customers can request the Wheel-Trans bus by speaking with a Supervisor at these stations.

