Public transport services will operate to a public holiday timetable on the King’s Birthday, Monday 10 June 2024.
Public transport will run to altered timetables.
Metropolitan train
- Metropolitan train services will run to a Saturday timetable with fewer services in the morning and afternoon peaks.
- Night network services will not run.
Metropolitan tram
- Tram services will run to a Saturday timetable with fewer services in the morning and afternoon peaks.
- Times may differ slightly from the normal Saturday timetable, with last trams running approximately one hour earlier.
- Night Network services will not run.
Metropolitan and regional buses
- Metropolitan bus services will run to a Saturday timetable.
- Regional bus services will run to an altered timetable according to each operator.
- Night Network services will not run.
Regional train and regional coach
- V/Line trains will run to a Saturday timetable. Scheduled V/Line coach services will run to an altered Saturday timetable.
- Bendigo line
- The 1:35pm train from Swan Hill to Southern Cross Station will leave at 4:36pm.
- Night Network will not run.
Source: PTV