Updates as of June 29th, 2020
CTA “L” & Buses:
- Operating on a normal schedule. More information can be found here.
- Rear-door boarding ended June 21, at which time customers resumed front-door boarding.
- Under the bus crowding management initiative, our bus operators now have the authority to temporarily run as “drop-off only” and bypass certain bus stops if their bus is becoming crowded. Operators will use the guideline of 15 or more passengers on a standard 40-foot bus, 22 or more passengers on a 60-foot articulated bus.
- You may not realize, as this is not something you may notice when it happens, but we often use this as a service restoration technique as part of our day-to-day operations to help maintain optimal intervals to meet ridership demand and avoid bus bunching. This practices is also similar in concept to what retail and grocery stores are currently doing: regulating the number of customers inside the building at one time.
- Effective Monday, June 29, Pace is reopening some passenger facilities and buildings to the public. This will allow passengers to claim lost and found items and use indoor waiting areas, including Ventra vending machines, where available. Please continue to practice social distancing when using these facilities. Masks are required. Pace Headquarters will remain closed to the public until further notice.
- All temporary service changes and suspensions remain in effect
- Pace will suspend all service on Routes 241, 320, 327, 355, 372, 566, 573, 608, 610, 611, 616, 696, 757, 877, 888, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 461, 462, 463, 465, 534, 602, 619, 620, 623, 627, 628, 629, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 640, 662, 663, 664, 665, 668, 669, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 687, 689, 694, 709, 754, 820, 821, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 811 & 905
- Pace will reduce/modify service on Routes 302, 311, 314, 319, 332, 356, 357, 379, 383, 384, 386, 504, 507, 561, 564, 569, 604, 850, 851, 855, 465, 471, 472, Niles Free Bus and Pulse Milwaukee Line.
- All other fixed route services are operating on regular schedules at this time
- Monday, June 22, riders will be required to pay fares on all Pace bus routes.
- We will also continue waiving fares for all medical personnel presenting a work ID.
- Rear-door boarding on bus routes will no longer be permitted.
- All service suspensions remain in effect. We will monitor demand and be prepared to reintroduce services as resources allow and people return to work and regular activities.
More information can be found here.
Metra trains on all lines will resume operating on alternate weekday schedules on Monday, June 8, which means limited weekday service will return on the SouthWest Service, Heritage Corridor and North Central Service lines. The alternate schedules are posted here.
- Sunday schedules will continue to be used on both weekend days except on the Metra Electric Line, which will use the Saturday schedule on Saturdays and the Sunday schedule on Sundays. Saturday service will remain suspended on the SouthWest Service Line.
- Metra will be closely monitoring ridership and will add cars to trains or trains to the schedules to make sure that as ridership grows there will still be plenty of room for physical distancing.
- Trains are being added to the SouthWest Service, Heritage Corridor and North Central Service lines starting June 29. For details, click here.
South Shore Line:
- Resumed regular schedule as of Monday June 8th.
- Passengers will be required to wear a face covering while riding SSL trains and waiting at stations.
More information can be found here.
River Valley Metro:
- On Monday, June 22, bus service on local fixed routes (Route 1 – Route 11) and Metro Plus (ADA service) resumed normal operating hours.
- Our commuter shuttle service to Midway Airport will resume its normal schedule beginning Thursday, June 25.
- At this time, we are not reinstating service to University Park.
- All rides on River Valley Metro buses remain free, with limited seating capacity for social distancing.
- Face covering is required while on the bus.
Dekalb Public Transit:
- Huskie Line will temporarily be operating a reduced service schedule from June 24th – July 12th due to an operator shortage associated with hiring challenges amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Regular Break Service schedule will resume on July 13th, 2020.
- All routes, with the exception of Route 12 to Elburn, will remain fare free through June 30.
- Passengers are still required to wear a face covering to utilize the bus, and all passengers should continue to board and exit the vehicles through the rear door for the safety of the bus operators.
You ride (healthy), we guide.
The Moovit Team