
COVID-19 Updates for Boston

    MBTA Updates

    MBTA Bus and Silver Line:

    • Saturday service for most routes, with additional service on busier routes during peak travel times.
    • Routes 7501, and 504 will run modified weekday service.
    • Routes 325326351352, and 354, and 710 will run regular weekday service.

    MBTA Subway:

    MBTA Commuter Rail:

    MBTA Ferry:

    • No service.

    MBTA The Ride:

    • All trips must be booked 1 – 3 days in advance. Previously booked trips are not affected by this change.
    • The RIDE will make every effort to eliminate transfer trips to reduce customer interaction with multiple drivers. All shared trips have been eliminated.


    Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) Updates

    • SRTA is running on a Saturday schedule until further notice
    • SRTA now requires face masks for passengers
    • For more info. see the agency website HERE

    MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) Updates

    • MWRTA is running on a reduced schedule until further notice
    • MWRTA now requires face masks for passengers
    • For more schedule info. see the agency website HERE

    Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) Updates 

    • RIPTA is asking passengers to wear cloth face masks on board
    • To help ensure that there is enough room for proper social distancing, we have reduced the number of passengers on board.
      No more than 15 passengers will be allowed on any fixed-route bus.
    • For more COVID updates as well as schedule info. see the agency website HERE

    Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA) Updates

    • The LRTA is providing transportation for ESSENTIAL TRIPS ONLY.
    • Riders must be traveling to an essential destination. All riders are required to exit the bus at the end of its route. Multiple or consecutive round trips are not permitted and riders who appear to be loitering on the bus will be asked to deboard.
    • See the agency website for more info.

    Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) Updates 

    • Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority has made service reductions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
    • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all passengers are REQUIRED to wear a nose and mouth covering on-board ALL MVRTA VEHICLES AND WAITING AREAS as of Wednesday, May 6, 2020
    • See the agency website for more info. on schedules and updates
