July 3rd
Bus and Silver Line
- Saturday service on all routes, in observance of Independence Day
- Regular weekday service on all lines.
Note that scheduled shuttles are running:
- Quincy Center – Braintree through July 1
- Lechmere – North Station through Spring 2021
Commuter Rail
- Saturday service on all lines, in observance of Independence Day.
- Reduced weekday service for Hingham/Hull
- Regular weekday service for Charlestown
- All trips must be booked 1 – 3 days in advance. Previously booked trips are not affected by this change.
- The RIDE will make every effort to eliminate transfer trips to reduce customer interaction with multiple drivers. All shared trips have been eliminated.
July 4th
Bus and Silver Line
- Will run on a Sunday schedule
Subway and Commuter Rail
- Will run on a Saturday schedule
- No Service
For more info on the July 4th holiday schedules see the agency link HERE