Metro Trains Cranbourne and Pakenham Lines Buses replace trains between Westall, Cranbourne and East Pakenham from 11.30pm Friday 12 July to last service Sunday 14 July. Frankston and Stony Point Lines Buses replace trains between Cheltenham, Frankston and Stony Point…
Start: 9:30pm Wednesday 10 July End: Last service Wednesday 10 July Affected lines: Ipswich/Rosewood and Springfield lines Next normal service: First train on Thursday 11 July During this closure we’ll be running timetabled railbuses to replace trains to help you get where…
Here’s the update on scheduled trackwork affecting services. Plan your trip and work out any extra travel time you need. City Circle Monday 8 to Thursday 11 July Nightly from 10pm to 1.30am, trains will not run to Museum, St James…
Saturday 6 July From 4am to 12:15pm on Saturday 6 July, routes 704, 711, 712, 713 and 719 may be affected by the Gold Coast Marathon. Please check your route below to see if your travel has changed. Some bus routes will also be affected on Sunday 7 July. Changes to…
Metro Trains Lilydale Line Buses replace trains between Ringwood and Lilydale from 8.30pm Friday 24 May to last service Thursday 4 July. Mernda Line Buses replace trains between Clifton Hill and Mernda from 11.25pm Friday 5 July to last service…