Public Transportation Updates

Intercity bus lines will return operating on weekends

Dear passengers,聽 We have collected for you several updates that are worth knowing聽 聽Intercity buses will return operating on weekends Starting the upcoming weekend, intercity bus lines that were canceled during the latest lockdown period will return operating on weekends….

Public transportation will return operating until 22:00

Dear passengers, Following the Ministry of Transportation’s latest guidelines, we have collected a few updates you should know 馃憞 聽Starting Tuesday, October 13, public transportation will return operating until 22:00 Intracity and intercity buses that were operating during the lockdown…

讛转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转 讞讜讝专转 诇驻注讜诇 注讚 22:00

谞讜住注讬诐 讬拽专讬诐, 诇拽专讗转 讛拽诇讜转 谞讜住驻讜转 讘转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转, 讗住驻谞讜 注讘讜专讻诐 诪住驻专 注讚讻讜谞讬诐 砖讻讚讗讬 诇讛讻讬专 馃憞 馃摙 讛讞诇 诪讛讬讜诐, 讬讜诐 砖诇讬砖讬 13.10, 讛转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转 讞讜讝专转 诇驻注讜诇 注讚 22:00 诪专讘讬转 拽讜讜讬 讛讗讜讟讜讘讜住讬诐 讛注讬专讜谞讬讬诐 讜讛讘讬谉 注讬专讜谞讬讬诐 砖驻注诇讜 讘诪讛诇讱 转拽讜驻转 讛住讙专 讛讗讞专讜谉 注讚 砖注讛 20:00…

拽讜讜讬 讛讗讜讟讜讘讜住讬诐 讬砖讜讘讜 讘讛讚专讙讛 诇驻注讬诇讜转 诪诇讗讛

谞讜住注讬诐 讬拽专讬诐, 讛讞诇 诪讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 (11.10) 爪驻讜讬讛 讛拽诇讛 讘诪讙讘诇讜转 注诇 拽讜讜讬 讛转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转. 诇讛诇谉 讛注讚讻讜谞讬诐 砖讻讚讗讬 诇讛讻讬专: 馃搮聽驻注讬诇讜转 讛转讞讘讜专讛 讛爪讬讘讜专讬转 讘诪讛诇讱 住讜祝 讛砖讘讜注 讛拽专讜讘 9-10.10 讗讜讟讜讘讜住讬诐 注讬专讜谞讬讬诐 讜讛专讻讘转 讛拽诇讛 讬驻注诇讜 注讚 讻谞讬住转 讛砖讘转 讜诪诪讜爪讗讬 讛砖讘转 注讚 22:00 讗讜讟讜讘讜住讬诐 讘讬谉 注讬专讜谞讬讬诐…

Bus lines are returning to full service

Dear passengers, Starting Sunday (October 11), the current restrictions on public transportation will be eased. Check out the following updates: 聽Public Transportation during the upcoming weekend (9-10.10) On Friday, intracity lines and the light rail in Jerusalem will operate as…
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