
Peruvian Parade Detours

July 25, 2019

    Detoured from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sun Jul 28:

    Affected Locations: 
    Broadway between Olympic Blvd. & Temple St.
    Temple St. between Broadway & Main St.
    Main St. between Temple St. & Cesar Chavez

    Lines: 2 & 4
    Westbound: Regular route to Broadway and Venice Blvd. then continue via Broadway to L-Pico Blvd., R-Hill St., L-Temple St., R-Grand Ave., L-Cesar Chavez Ave. and regular route.

    Line: 10(Rte.48) 
    Eastbound: Regular route to Hill St. and 9th St. then continue via Hill St. to L-Pico Blvd., R-Main St. and regular route.

    Westbound: Regular route to Main St. and Venice Blvd. then continue via Main St. to L-Pico Blvd., R-Hill St. to 8th St. and regular route.

    Line: 28 
    Westbound: Regular route to Broadway and Alpine St. then continue via Broadway to R-Ord St.,L- Hill St., R- Olympic Blvd and regular route.

    Line: 28 (short line) 
    Eastbound: Regular route to Olympic Blvd. and Hill St. then continue via Olympic Blvd. to L-Main St., R-6th St., R-Maple Ave., L-Into terminal.

    Lines: 30 & 40 
    Eastbound/Northbound:Regular route to Broadway and Pico Blvd. then R-Pico Blvd., L-Main St., R-1st St.,L-Judge John Aiso St. and regular route.

    Line: 45 
    Northbound: Regular route to Broadway and Pico Blvd. then R- Pico Blvd., L- Main St.R- 4th St., L- Alameda St., L- Cesar Chavez Ave., R- Broadway and regular route.

    Line: 68 
    Westbound: Regular route to Main St. and 4th St. then R- 4th St., L- Alameda St.,R- Cesar Chavez Ave. and regular route.

    Line: 83 
    Northbound: Regular route to Hill St. and 1st St. then continue via Hill St. to R-Ord St.,L- Broadway and regular route.

    Line: 92 
    Southbound: Regular route to Temple and Hill St. then R-Hill St., L-Olympic Blvd. to Main St.and regular route.

    Northbound: Depart layover via Main St. to L-Olympic Blvd., R- Hill St., L- Temple St. and regular route.

    Line: 733 
    Eastbound: Regular route to Main St. and 4th St. then R-4th St., L- Alameda St.,R- Cesar Chavez Ave. and regular route.

    Line: 745 
    Northbound: Regular route to Broadway and Pico Blvd. then R-Pico Blvd., L-Main St.R- 4th St., L- Alameda St., R- Cesar Chavez Ave. and regular route.


    Come to support and enjoy the beautiful weather!


    You Ride, We Guide
