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Train timetable changes in April

April 3, 2024

    From Saturday 13 April 2024, minor timetable adjustments will be made to Blue Mountains and Central Coast & Newcastle Lines.

    These adjustments are being introduced as part of a regular review of train services to improve reliability for passengers.

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    Blue Mountains Line

    Minor adjustments have been made to the departure time of some services at Faulconbridge and Lawson Stations:

    • The weekend 5.48am service from Faulconbridge to Lithgow will now depart one minute later at 5.49am.
    • The weekday 1.58am service from Lawson to Lithgow will now depart one minute later at 1.59am.

    Central Coast & Newcastle Lines

    Minor adjustments have been made to the departure time of one service at Kotara Station:

    • The weekday 1.37am service from Kotara to Newcastle will now depart one minute later at 1.38am.
    Source: TfNSW
